Here’s What You Missed

In case you missed it, I have a bunch of new parent-themed guest blog articles available! Consider it your November wrap up.

Weight Loss: Babywearing & Breastfeeding: How babywearing and breastfeeding helped me lose weight and then some.

Becoming Mom: Some tips on how to embrace motherhood.

Moving With A Baby: Moving in general is stressful. Moving with a tiny human adds at least three times more stress. Here’s how I did it.

What It’s Really Like to Bedshare: You’ve probably heard of cosleeping or bedsharing. Still, you may wonder, what’s the actual reality of bedsharing? Here’s the real-life benefits and challenges of sharing a bed with my partner and baby. 

Teaching My Son Sign Language: When people think of teaching their child a language or more, they initially think of a spoken language. Here’s my experience with sign language.

Choosing Whole Plant Based Foods: The onslaught of food preference titles can be overwhelming. In the last 2 years, the various definitions have become so overpowering that at times I avoid self-labeling. Regardless, here’s how our family gets on eating whole plant based foods.

Parenting That Gives and Takes: The greatest challenge as a parent also happens to be the most beneficial part of it, at least for me. What gives and takes equally? Read to find out!

Parenting Olympics: Parenting can feel like an international sporting competition sometimes. It’s international because you’re comparing yourself against the “competition” of parents across the entire world. It can feel like you’re sporting your parenting skills and your child’s accomplishments against every other parents’ as well. Here’s how I get through it.

Thanks for reading and watch out for more!

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